The safety of our employees, students and your families is PSF’s overriding priority. As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve and spreads globally, Pearsons are monitoring the situation closely and will periodically update school guidance based on current recommendations from the NSW Department of Health.  


Whilst PSF cannot guarantee that students and staff will not be exposed to Covid-19 either travelling to class or on Campus we aim to work with together with our students to REDUCE THE RISK in the classroom. 


Only Pearsons Staff and Registered Students are permitted to enter the building to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid 19 on Campus.  To reduce the potential risk of exposure, we are conducting a simple screening questionnaire.  

 Your participation is important to help us take precautionary measures to protect you and everyone in this building 

 Note:  Attendance in the classroom at this time is VOLUNTARY and your schedule can be PAUSED by contacting VICKY 


Workplace Health & Safety during COVID-19 


Under WHS law, all workplaces must assess the risk of COVID19 to workers and others in the work environment and look for ways to minimise the spread of the virus (in consultation with workers). 

Businesses and workers must: 

  1. Comply with national and state public health directions 
  1. Promote the simple but effective social distancing and hygiene measures 
  1. Raise any concerns about the risk of contracting COVID-19 immediately with the employer and work with them to identify solutions. ﷟HYPERLINK "" 
  1. Monitor the extent of COVID-19 in your community and share advice from state and federal authorities regularly. 


As the PSF Commercial Floristry Course is mostly practical, we are re commencing classes. Our aim, here at PSF is to run small classes so we can respect the need for SOCIAL DISTANCING in the classroom as well as develop a clear PROCEDURE ON MAINTAINING A COVID19 FREE ENVIRONMENT.   


The school will not be supplying  

  • amenities for personal hygiene and infection control 
  • Plastic gloves 
  • Face masks 
  • Temperature checks 


Students and trainers are free to supply and use their own 



Page Break 

Procedure on maintaining a COVID19 free environment.   


  • Ceasing non-essential activities that involve close personal contact (less than 1.5m) 
  • Hand Sanitizer Provide hand sanitiser at ample locations throughout building. 
  • Good hand hygiene  Sanitizing/wash your hands throughout the day 
  • Wash your hands on entering the building and classrooms – every time you entre 
  • Wash your hands after using the bathroom 
  • Wash your hands before eating 
  • Wash your hands after touching any surfaces 
  • Wash your hands before touching your face (nose and mouth) 
  • Cleaning RTOs should increasing cleaning and sanitize all surfaces that a person can come into contact with 
  • Sanitizing all hard surfaces – first thing and throughout the day 
  • Sanitizing all work stations before commencing and after completion 
  • Sanitizing all toilets 
  • Sanitizing all lunch areas 
  • Sanitizing all shared tools and equipment 
  • Sanitizing all fixtures e.g. light switches, taps, door, cupboard and fridge handles, stair rails  
  • inspecting and reviewing air conditioning 
  • provide cleaning products for cleaning workspaces 
  • Social distancing RTOs must ensure there is sufficient space for class numbers 
  • Ample space in the classroom between people, e.g. by ensuring work stations are adequately separated -4 square metres per person, stay more than 1.5 metres away from people.  
  • Class numbers – manage class number. Class will be 8 students + 1 trainer 9 
  • Queues - Manage queues 
  • barriers to create space at and between workstations 
  • modifying shifts and rosters to reduce peak periods 
  • Try to stagger student breaks to limit movements and contacts between student/class 
  • No passing on the stairs – travel in 1 direction – have turns 
  • Less people in cool room and sorting flowers 
  • Turns in the sink area 
  • Demo to small groups, couples or individuals 
  • Classroom furniture layout that is best for social distancing 
  • Avoid shaking hands and hugging 

Page Break 

  • Good sneeze/cough hygiene – promote good etiquette  
  • Turn away  
  • Always cover your mouth with a disposable tissue 
  • Throw the tissue away immediately 
  • Wash hands with soap and water or clean hands with alcohol-based sanitizers such as wipes 
  • If you don’t have a disposable tissue, Sneeze or cough into the crook of the arm  
  • Signage - Place reminders and signs about precautions around the building. 
  • Sign in the shop, on the counter reminding to wash your hands and distancing 
  • New signs in the classroom as the old ones are looking poor 
  • Distancing sign reminding student to keep 1.5 meters around each person 
  • Signs on the stairs re passing 
  • Room capacity – 7-15 persons total in the classroom including staff depending on room size 
  • Floor signs showing 1.5 m apart around the trainers’ desk and at students’ desks 
  • Sharing tools and equipment 
  • Hand hygiene 
  • Cough and sneeze behavior 
  • Floor markings 



When an individual in the school has had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 

NSW Department of Education requires us to follow the following COVID-19 Guidelines. 

If a student, or someone they have been in contact with, contracts COVID-19 we will: 

  • Request the student or trainer to notify the Pearsons School office ASAP 
  • PSF will notify the NSW Department of Health 
  • PSF will notify all students and the trainer in that class and they will have to self-isolate for 14 days OR get a COVID19 test 
  • Students and trainers can return to school once they have a clear COVID19 test 
  • PSF premises and equipment will be cleaned before re-opening 



Remember - Stay home if you are sick. And seek medical advice if you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath