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One of the features of the Pearsons Certificate III program is FLEXIBILITY.

The typical Pearsons student is busy juggling study, family, and work so we have developed four programs offering you choice as to how fast you will complete your classroom program.  

Our classroom program is divided into seven learning clusters, each with a specific theme. There are 33 days in the classroom. In addition to the classroom program you will need to get hands-on Work Experience (5 days) and practice your floristry and complete assignments at home.

Before you enrol we will discuss your options with you and can recommend the best program for you.


1. CLASSIC PROGRAM – most popular and well-paced over 9 months

If you start your studies in September, you will complete your classroom program in July the next year attending class mostly one day per week. There are three weeks where you will attend class an additional day – the first week, last week and one somewhere in the middle!

You can choose your primary study day from WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, or SATURDAY.

In addition, we recommend allocating about 3 hours per week at home for floristry practice and to complete assignments.

Does this program suit you?  

Yes, if you are working full-time or already have a busy life balancing work, family, and study.


 2. ACCELERATED PROGRAM - over 6 months

If you start your studies in September, you will complete your classroom program in April the next year attending one to two days per week.

In our accelerated program you would start your studies one day per week for the first term, then pick up a second day in your second term. There are three weeks where you will attend class an additional day – the first week, last week and one somewhere in the middle! We can develop a program for you on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturdays.

In addition, we recommend allocating about 3-4 hours per week at home for floristry practice and to complete assignments.

Does this program suit you?  

Yes, if you are working part-time or already have a busy life balancing work, family, and study. 

Student Story - Mia S. 6 month program

 3. INTENSIVE PROGRAM – over 3 months

If you start your studies in September, you will complete your classroom program in Mid-December attending three or four days each week. In addition, we recommend allocating about one day per week at home for floristry practice and to complete assignments.

Does this program suit you?  

Yes, if you are not working, are free of family commitments, live out of Sydney and can commit to 3 days in the classroom and one day of additional self-paced work at home.

                Read Alexandra’s story of her 3 month program….


Two years to Complete all components

Some students need to take either Planned or Unplanned breaks in their program, so we offer students the option to defer their studies. You have two years from enrolling to complete all elements of the program. It is always best to plan with the Pearsons team and complete the clusters you start before taking time out.

Studying during a pandemic:  Adjustments for COVID-19

Our classrooms are OPEN for students to complete their studies. Our team are proud to say that we have managed to keep all students on track with their program during this difficult time with the following adjustments:

  • Classes are small (8-12 students per class) to allow for SOCIAL DISTANCING
  • Additional hygiene measures have been implemented
  • Classes will be paused if mandated by the NSW government and re-opened when safe to do so. We did it before…. And will do it again!