Ashleigh Palmowski - the Naked Florist

You may be wondering why the 'Naked' florist? Ashleigh Palmowski says this refers to the style of her floral design, stripped back to the bare essentials to give you an eco-friendly ethical option of floristry, which is right on the mark for today's ethically conscious consumers. After graduating from Pearsons School in June 2017, Ashleigh has had a very busy few years. Since starting her own business during her Certificate III studies her designs have been featured in Hello May, To the Isle and Together Journal and with ongoing success of her business resulted in the opening of her very own shop! Here is her story....

Company name: The Naked Florist

Florist: Ashleigh Palmowski


What initially attracted you to floristry?

I had a family friend I knew since the age of five. She was a florist and I completely admired what she did. After studying Fine Arts at university I found floristry to be the perfect creative avenue for me of which I could turn into a business whilst still doing something I love.

What were you doing with your time before studying floristry and starting your business ‘The Naked Florist’?

Prior to Pearsons I was road tripping Australia in my vintage beetle. I took off one day after being offered a promotion at work, I knew the career path I was in wasn’t one that would make me happy long term so I decided to travel without any direction until I found some. I travelled the east coast of Australia for a year until one day I woke up and decided that a Florist is what I needed to be!

How did your business ‘The Naked Florist’ all begin?

I began my business whilst studying at Pearsons. I began gathering content and ensured I put a lot of thought into my branding, ethics behind my business and the direction I wanted to take prior to making any moves. The Naked Florist was started simply by an Instagram page. This was crucial to gain exposure prior to moving forward with the business. I quickly began getting booked for weddings and began markets for further exposure and income. Not long after this I decided to open my own shop to increase exposure again and expand my business. I am now happily at the point in my business where I do not need a shop front for exposure and work from a home studio with my staff members focusing solely on subscription flowers, corporate arrangements and weddings.

What is your proudest moment since starting the business?

My proudest moment would have had to be opening my own shop. Every day from then on was incredible due to the people I got to meet and the endless amount of times I brought a smile to people's faces.

What did you love about studying the ‘SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry’ with Pearsons School?

Pearsons was great for the fact it was fast paced and informative. They have everything organised for you so that all you had to do was turn up and participate.

Why would you suggest floristry as a career for budding floral enthusiasts?

I have found that I have had the ability to take floristry in any direction that I wanted. It is flexible and family friendly. It gives you complete freedom to express yourself creatively and do something you love every day.

Who do you look to for inspiration in the industry?

More so than looking to florists for inspiration I look within nature and seasons for inspiration. I like to focus on my surrounds and what’s currently happening right where I am and use that to enhance my designs. I often use elements I have found whilst out adventuring or use what I can find on our property to lead a design.

What do you have planned for 2019 and beyond for the business?

2019 has already been a very different year from 2018! I will be giving birth to my first child in a week or two. Other than taking on my flower child as another full time recruit I aim to work with more intent. I want to learn, experiment and collaborate more! As for the future, I hope to keep blooming.

We wish you all the best for the year ahead Ashleigh and your new adventure in to motherhood!


Ready to start your creative career?

Find out how a Certificate III in Floristry can open up many career opportunities.



Instagram: @thenakedfloristau

Facebook: @thenaakedflorist